
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bosan..?Ape patot kita buat kalau bosan..Nk layan je ker?Or try untuk ilangkn bosan.tapi cane nk ilangkan bosan n aekk..Knape leh menyebabkan bosan..mungkin jawapan die anda mungkin sedang mempunyai masalah yang x boleh nk selesaikan or anda sedang sedih..klu ikot doktornye fasafah..hati anda msti dalam kelesuan+kelembapan+kerinduan+kesedihan=BOSAN...huhuhuk

Thursday, February 17, 2011

never space to my blog..

Im sory..coz dah lame gak x update blog aq n...tpy xpe..but i will come back..bye2..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My lirik

The S.I.G.I.T – The Party
Too little money, too proudy country
Too fucked to move, die in a hurry
Much have been mentioned, to get attention
The more I tell the truth the more I get the tention
Too little money, too proudy party
Too screwed to prove, there’s nothing to worry
I’ve done too many, not earn a penny
The more I seek the truth the more I lose my pension
They won’t give you no chance
They’re only drinking on you to dance
Too little money
Too proudy country
Too little money

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I must always try my best

Ape nk jdy, jdy la..Aq cye pade takdir..Klu aq ade jodoh ngn die..Aq leh kekal lame..klu x..redor je..Aq rase die mmg sempurne pade aq..adenye die..aq x mcm dlu lgy..so i must try to study semule untuk tabah kn hati..Jgn nk bohong la..mane2 rokes pon msty ade perasaan n..mmg x leh elak la..n la name die 'blinds of love,love of blinds..huhu

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cerite cuti awal tahun

Kt sni aq nk try taip hasil karang story aq ,tpy mx maap lu la klu bahase aq tungang langang ,aq kurang bermint nk tulis panjg2 n sbnrnye tpy tgok blog mbr2 yg laen smua ade story dowg berjeler2 aq tgok..so aq pon nk gk..huhu..but i try my best.pade mlm last aq kt bndr penawr ary 2.X silap aq nk smbot cuti raya cina kot.Aq dapat berite yg x sdp di dgr..mbr aq (capik)exsiden ..Mlm 2 aq dapat msg dry slh sorg mbr aq gk (amy)..'capik exsiden'..Nk cye ke x?aq terus coll die..Dari segi atonnansi nada Amy ..Ternyata berite itu benar2 berlaku..aq ckp ngn die esok aq blek..
Smpy je kote keesokan arynye..Aq terus kol Capik..ptg nty aq jengok die..terkjot gk tgok...berbalot sane berbalot sni..mke die mmg x leh bla la mase 2..mcm mx kaki..huhu..tegeng smcm je..tahan skit kot..huhu..aq ngn amy jage die mlm 2..maen redah je..ikotkn penjage sorg je..x boleh 2owg..mamandangkan tkot bosan dan semangat berkobar2 nk jage capik n..rejah je la smpi 2owg..huhu..ade la kelakor ckit mlm 2..aq ngn amy nk kuar g topap oxsigen jp..amy tgok tmpt sofa cafe 2..ternyate xde org..amy ckp 5 minit..huhu,.,aq sengeh je..sambil 2 follow la..skit gk pingang aq n menahan duduk je..skly dh bring ,dry kol 2 pgy smpy kol 5 pgy x silap aq tiggl kn cpik sorg2..huhu..x tau la die sdar ke x ats permergian kte owg yg lame 2..lps aq tersdor aq trus msok tgok cpik,, tglkn amy sowg jp..huhu..wt mcm laen clear je.."pik k ae"..hahahkkk..kami mx maap byk2 kerna tglkn awk sowg2...ngatok n pnt sgt..hehehee~...@_@

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dah stat best gk maen blog n..Tgl nk cry tune cne nk nmpk lgy 'best je'..
Dlu aq x mnat pon maen blog ..Since dah ade internet kt umh..n la hobi bru aq bersame si D3100..
Moge_moge sukses!


Time n ade realsel pragraduasi dtm ..Aq ngn die ditugaskan untuk menghandel la even n ngn dak2 laen lagy..Time n la hubungan aq ngn die 
menjadi lbih rapat.Die jadi pengacara aq penyambut tetamu je..huhu.Cube tgok kt bwh gmbr n lk..berbeza x?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Take 5

hehehe..Sape die?Ade macam Radit n Jani x..?Radit ngn Jani adalah salah satu cerita indo yg popular di Malaysia .Cerite n jugak adalah salah satu cerita yg aq minat..huhu..Sebab ape?Mungkin sebab jalan cerita dia ade kne mengene dengan anak muda skrg kot..Brutal Romantik..xpe,,laen ary kte cter pasal cter 2 lak ae..Okay kte berbalik pade soalan kte tadi..huhuk..lelaki 2 ade la kn..Mcm biase la aq mmg seorg yang brperasaan lbih..huhu..pompuan 2 dlm version bertudungnye..huhu..xpe ,t kte cter lk pasal die agy..byk sbnrnye nk cter n..huhu..Tpy mmg best la mse even 2..Aq pon x tau cne aq leh gle smpy tahap cm 2 skly..tyr la kwn2 aq mse even 2..